Working To Prevent Advertising Violations And Complaints
Numerous state, federal and international laws demand truth in advertising, and violations can result in significant consequences. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigates complaints against advertisers accused of making false statements and will take swift action if a violation is identified.
At the law firm of Eric F. Greenberg, P.C., our attorneys have extensive experience representing clients in a wide variety of alleged advertising violations and complaints.
Evaluation And Review Of Advertising
There have been numerous instances where a review of the advertisement prior to its publication could have prevented the release of false or misleading information. We frequently evaluate advertisements for compliance with FTC guidelines and other laws. We can also review product labeling to ensure consistency between labeling information and the advertisement. In addition, we take the time to explain the regulations that inform our feedback so that you are aware of the requirements for future reference.
Speak With A Lawyer At Eric F. Greenberg, P.C., Today
Contact our office in Chicago, Illinois, to schedule an initial consultation with an attorney. You can reach us by phone at 312-977-4647 or via email for an appointment.